Advertising content and workplace culture are interconnected

It’s time for bold and strong action on gender equality in Australian advertising.

Sexism and gender discrimination continue to be everyday experiences for many women in the advertising industry. Women are more likely to fear or experience negative consequences from speaking up about gender equality, while some men don’t feel it’s their place to do so.


The industry speaks out in the shEqual Survey

Nearly 600 advertising professionals from around Australia responded to the shEqual Survey, demonstrating a high level of interest in issues of gender equality, including among men, who made up 41% of respondents. The results from the survey paints a troubling picture of sexism in the ad industry.



Advertising professionals do not believe gender equality is currently being prioritised in advertising workplaces or content.

Overall, fewer than two in five respondents agreed that the advertising industry prioritises gender equality in advertising content or as a workplace issue.

There was a stark disagreement between men and women in the industry regarding its prioritisation of gender equality as a workplace issue: 54% of male respondents agreed that it does, while only 29% of female respondents agreed.

The token minority

The majority of ads show individuals who are white, able-bodied and heterosexual. When people from minority groups do appear, representation tends to be based on negative stereotypes.

Forever young

Most ads feature younger people. Older women are often only cast in relation to health and beauty products, with ageing being framed as unhealthy, ugly, and undesirable. Women of all ages feel pressured to remain looking youthful and mask all signs of ageing.

J Walter Thompson global study finding that 85% of women want real world advertising portrayals

Women, represent

Unequal representation of women reinforces the power and authority of men. Unrealistic representation of society perpetuates discrimination and disadvantage.

But diverse, respectful and accurate representation of women in advertising helps move us all towards equality.

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